{ 15 questions }

i've been tagged by the style antagonist! usually i'm terrible at answering these chain questionnaires, but this time i was determined to follow through for a change. so here we go...!

1. what is your current obsession?
jewelry!!! making it, buying it, wearing it, thinking about it... i'm decidedly obsessed.

(speaking of jewels, there are new pieces now available on shrimpton couture + etsy!)

2. what is your horoscope & how do you relate to it?
i'm a virgo, which is reflected in how exacting i am. i avoid the word 'perfectionist', but admit there is a lot of order in my version of chaos. i think it shows in the way i dress ~ my style is kooky but in an unusually clean way. it's also evident in my designs ~ what is made to look haphazard is actually very precise.

3. what are you wearing today?
a printed blue satin t-shirt dress from target's go international line. originally, it was majorly muumuu style ~ awkwardly long length, huge stiff sleeves ~ but i saw in it some serious marni potential (i'm always assimilating styling suggestions from that collection). so i bought it (for around $20), chopped off the hem, and hand-pleated the sleeves. now it's a cheap + chic summer staple!

4. what was the last thing you bought?
12by12 harem pants & christian louboutin 'miss fourtune' shoes (both of which i wore yesterday).

5. what do you think about the person who tagged you?
with a name like 'style antagonist' i'd expect quite the attitude ~ but she's as sweet as they come!

6. what's for dinner?
it's too soon to tell, but if i had to place a bet i'd put my money on take-out from noodle studio in williamsburg. they have the best tofu green curry in town, and i eat it at least twice a week!

7. what's your favorite decade, fashion-wise?
i'm sort of partial to this mythical ideal decade ~ it would be a haute couture (ie: polyester-free) version of the 1970's, with a generous splash of the roaring 20's mixed in.

8. what are your must-haves for summer?
this time of year, i always carry a lovely folding fan in my purse. i also adore a pretty parasol ~ it's an extravagant yet practical accessory that you can only get away with from july through august!

9. what would you love to be able to afford?
a big, white, light-filled new york city loft, with a closet the size of my current quarters!!!

10. what is your favorite piece of clothing from your current wardrobe?
i've talked a lot on this blog about my favorite gold vintage jacket, which forever remains #1 in my world. i wish some designer would knock it off and send me one in every color! i guess i might just have to do it myself...

11. what is your dream job?
doing just what i'm doing ~ styling photos, designing jewelry, and writing this blog!

12. what's your favorite magazine?
italian vogue, followed closely by its french sister.

13. describe your personal style:
sort of 'palm beach eccentric' ~ like a madcap, blue-haired, bridge and brandy-loving granny (stuck in a 20-something shell). it's iris-apfel-aspirational:

(iris apfel: my style goddess supreme)

14. which Beatle is your favorite?
the egyptian scarab (winks cheekily).

15. what are you proud of?
using my own two hands to make the world a prettier place.

(next up: i tag my beautiful blogger friend, what i wore. jessica, you're it!!!) / (updated to add: my twitter friend the village idiot. you're it too!)

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