If and only if you want to...

read the answers to some questions from the lovely Becky at Harmony and Home

So shortly and sweetly I want to tell you that my current obsession is inhaling the scent of lilac from the garden and maybe this is also my weirdest obsession - you decide...

What am I wearing today? I want to tell you that I am dressed in head to toe fabulousness, that my hair is cut to perfection and shining gloriously and that my makeup is just perfect...Guess what, I am seriously unattractive this morning with no designer divineness and hair glory to titilate Mr FF or anyone actually. Today is a working day for me - a little bit of computer and a lot of farm talk - so it is jeans and a sweater, my only flirt with glamour is my Fleur d'Oranger perfume by Serge Lutens. I have to smell good even if I don't look good - maybe perfume is really my weirdest obsession, I just can't live without it.

Today is special..it is?....well the question is why is today special? The perfect answer is that every day is special if you wake up healthy, happy and loved. I am all three and hope that I never ever take that for granted so I guess that answers that. 

What would I like to learn to do? There will never be enough hours in the day, days in the year or years in a lifetime to cover the possibilities. The more I know, the less I know and the more I want to know. Today I want to learn how to ride a bike properly...what an admission. I am beyond hopeless and have a serious death wish when propped up high above the ground (seems very high to me)... I should never have taken off those training wheels.

Dinner tonight? No idea...does going out to a local count? We have had a full house since well before Easter and my culinary repertoire is grinding to a fast halt...I am thinking I would like to have dinner at a restaurant in a nearby village called Bistro du Paradou - it has a daily set menu so even that decision is out of my hands. No, cooking, no thinking and no clearing up....

The last thing I bought? Josephine ...What am I listening to? Again should say Vivaldi's Four Seasons or Handel's Messiah but actually it is Mr FF talking on the telephone to a business associate...such sweet and lulling sounds to aid my creativity!

Snow falling is my favourite weather because it is still such a novelty for an Aussie girl; followed closely by dramatic thunderstorms.

My most challenging goal right now? Finishing this post and trying not to bore you to death but as you have probably stopped reading by now and are all still alive and well I hope you will come back and visit another day. I don't much like answering questions about me and would much rather write and talk about something or somebody else but that brings me to the next question.....What do I think about the person who tagged me? Becky is a real doll and that is the reason why I am answering these questions.

So moving right along and picking up the pace a little....

A house anywhere in the world designed and decorated just how you want? - Tough one for me because I am still loving my French dream.

Favourite vacation spot? Anywhere on the Mediterranean sea.

What would I like to have in my hands right now? A large chunk of hot bread filled with salted French butter and home made apricot jam. Re-reading this...make it two chunks.

What would I like to get rid of ? 5 kilos of French foody happiness!

If I could go anywhere in the world for the next hour...thats a no brainer...Australia to surprise my parents and family.

Language to learn? I need help with English grammar and spelling - I appall myself sometimes.

Dreams last night?? I don't think I had any...

Who would I like to meet in person? Tough one, sometimes reality never lives up to expectation so I think I will dream about all my heroes instead.

My favourite part of the city I live in - in London I think I would say it is Hyde Park and the accessibility of such beautiful green space. In my village of St Remy - hardly a city, I think it is the Roman ruins of Glanum.

This one is an easy one - my favourite piece of clothing in my wardrobe - black patent leather 10cm heels with decadent red soles. (Do shoes count as clothing??)

Dream job - I have it! I write about the things I love, I travel around searching for gorgeous places and objects to photograph and I work with some of the most creative people ever...for me this is a dream come true. If I were greedy enough to wish for more I would have liked to try my hand at set designing - movies particularly. Who knows...

Fashion pet peeve - Boys in seriously low slung jeans with all of their boxer shorts showing. Don't misunderstand, I love low cut jeans - nothing worse than high riders - but I just don't want to see or think about their underwear. Do I admire anyone's style - yes so many people. Anyone with confidence to put together and pull off an individual look gets my vote. Style is about confidence and with confidence style defines your taste. My personal style? Mostly in my head where it is truly fabulous 24/7! If I could attend any fashion show I would probably choose Chanel - Karl Largerfeld is a genius and I would love to be apart of that buzz once in my life. Spend a day with an interior designer...yes please, maybe Christian Liagre.

If you are still here and feel like making a little comment - I would like to ask you one question. What is your favourite flower? Spring is springing and bulbs are blooming...what better thought? xv
question marks - google

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