The Twentyten

I'm normally not a big fan of video lookbooks. Generally speaking, I have an extremely short attention span, which hasn't been helped much by the advent of modern technology, and I often find myself surfing the web during the slower parts of movies. When presented with the often plotless, non-music video, I often wonder if I really want to waste my five minutes watching, what usually amounts to a whole lot of sweet nothings. I do however understand that sometimes videos are necessary to really capture how the clothes move, and I know that very often, photographs alone cannot do justice to the details. For Spring 2011, The Twentyten created a video lookbook that shows off the flowing, draping movements of many of their pieces, in a way that you cannot see in their normal lookbook. It also contextualizes their work, and shows that their avant-garde clothes don't just look good, but are meant to be wearable and functional within everyday life. Take a peek at the video; you can find The Twentyten's current collection at Convent.

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