My morning rounds...
I have just been listening to Joni, Megan and Linda of The Skirted Roundtable chatting about blogger content - what interests them and why they post it. This led me to think about what I like posting and what I like reading and the breadth of information that comes to me by way of the blog each morning.
I enjoy a wide variety of blogs and for all sorts of different reasons. Some blogs I open for the visuals, some I read for the dry and self deprecating wit, some teach me plenty, and others just amuse. There are thinking blogs and decidedly non-thinking blogs, there are interior blogs and fashion blogs, there are blogs about poetry and books, there are blogs about art and the classics; the beauty of blogging is that there are no rules when it comes to content (as long as it is acceptable by the google police). Structure and content is for the blogger and the blogger alone to decide upon.
I would like to tell you that I have a blog plan and a post program but I am afraid my posts are a moving stream of daily thoughts. I have no strategy other than to talk about anything and everything that relates to France - whether it be beauty, fashion, interiors or film even if it is just for a nano second. I regard blogging somewhat like a diary - a wonderful way to hold thoughts and memories together and a reminder of where you were and what you were about at a certain point in time.
Blogging is 'live' relatively speaking and what we write or photograph today will never be the same as what we would choose yesterday or tomorrow. This is the great gift of blogging; a way to encapsulate thoughts on a given day.
What do you post? Do you post for you or do you post for me?
I think it is probably a 75/25 split for me - I post what I love but really hope that it appeals, amuses or interests you. I make the presumption (please excuse my forward ways) that if we read each other's blogs on a regular basis then we have some kind of fit and more times than not the content will please.
Did I intend to post today? No this is an entirely impromptu post that has sprung from my morning rounds.... and that is what I love most about blogging, xv.
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