My So-Called Life.

More of the NYC trip! I apologize that it's been such a drawn out affair, but with 450 pics, editing takes a while...

Out to dinner at 41 Greenwich.
So many lovely bloggers present, I really wish I had had the guts to chat some of them up!

The Chictopia 10 After Party at Tribeca Grand!
It was super fun to let down our hair and let loose that night.
There were so many cool people at the party, it was all very overwhelming.
I managed to talk to Alexandra Grecco (who makes some of the cutest, dreamest clothes around, check out her etsy!) and Hannah of Hannah and Landon. The latter was essentially a dream come true, she's just as beautiful in real life, and super nice too! She went to the school I want to attend in November, so it was nice to talk to someone who's been at the same place I'm at right now. She was the sweetest thing, gorgeous and lovely! The party was so fun, I wish every Saturday night was one out on the town in NYC!

Pictured: Helen Zhu (CEO of Chictopia), Pauline, Catherine,
Annie, Mitzi, Erin (of calivintage) & Rebecca (of the clotheshorse)

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