Paris, Pershing Hall and the Vertical Garden

pershing hall and patrick blanc's vertical garden

Patrick Blanc is possibly France's most well known botanist and vertical garden designer - if nothing else, his green streaked hair makes him a most distinguished character. Blanc has designed several hundred vertical gardens around the world in the last twenty years.

I have become a fan of Patrick Blanc since seeing his 260sq m creation on the outside of London's Athenaeum Hotel. In the heart of Mayfair and across the road from Green Park, Blanc installed ten thousand green plants of more than two hundred varieties to cascade down ten floors. In Paris one of his most outstanding vertical gardens can be seen at Quai Branley, the museum for indigenous art designed by Jean Nouvel. According to Blanc, vertical gardens can be hung in the tightest of spaces to provide an escape and a way to experience nature for those of us locked into urban living.

bar/restaurant pershing hall

Pershing Hall, a boutique hotel, restaurant and bar in the eighth arrondissement in Paris has a fabulous Patrick Blanc hanging garden as its backdrop. I have never stayed at Pershing Hall so I can't comment on the hotel but if vertical gardens and contemporary decor are your thing, then it is worth a visit. xv

Pershing Hall
49 rue Pierre Charron
75008 Paris

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