the long weekend...

Aren't long weekends the best? 

This weekend I am madly organising for the arrival of my DD's (darling daughters...sadly my GB...that would be gorgeous boy is in the middle of exams) and some of their friends at our farm in St Rémy de Provence. I have made sure that the sun will be shining, the temperatures pool worthy and the fridge is well stocked. I am excited for their arrival and can't wait not only to see them but also to dote on their every whim...It is funny how a few years can make what was once a big chore with little children into the greatest of pleasures. I remember when my three were all under three and those tiring long days of babies and toddlers felt as if they would never end. Nowadays I can't get enough of them...Their company is the brightest, their friends the most entertaining and their wishes are my command. These days that mother's lament,  'when will I ever have time for myself', is the last thing I really want...

Have a happy weekend everyone....xv

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image - vicki archer

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