A question can spark a thousand words...

Well, not actually 'one thousand' of my long winded rambles because that would be all too tiring especially after my lengthy rave about the English countryside but I would like to say a couple of words about a question I was asked recently. 

Do I wake up each morning and have to pinch myself to believe that this French life of mine is real? I will tell you honestly that a day doesn't go by where I don't wonder at the strange chance and good fortune of living here. This question made me think about my life in France and whether I was still as enchanted with it today as I was ten years ago. The answer is a resounding yes, perhaps even more so. For many reasons - it is more comfortable and familiar, the language is easier and I have formed friendships. There are things that frustrate me - the bureaucracy, the slow pace at which things sometimes happen and the language, because as practised as French can become it is never ever going to be an easy and natural way to express myself. Am I lucky? So very lucky, because I have found my own piece of paradise and that is another reason to 'pinch' myself every day. Contentment is a gift and when I am at home in France I am truly content and for that I am extremely grateful. 

I never ever tire of the beauty of my little part of Provence and I hope that I never ever take it for granted. This surprises me because as much as I don't want to admit this, I am a restless soul. I like a life of travel and adventure; I like to tackle challenges and most of all I love change. France is different. I have never felt that I wanted or needed to be anywhere else - it just does it for me, in every way. When I am on the farm I dread the thought of leaving; when I am away from the farm I count the days until I return. It was like that in the beginning and it is still the same now. I think it might be love.... xv

image taken at the farm - me

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