And 'Tiffany' Turquoise in Arles...
I mostly think of Provencal shutters, window treatments and doors as being a blue grey colour - sometimes lighter, sometimes darker but somewhere in that vicinity. Yesterday I had a turquoise moment as I wandered through Arles and my eyes were drawn to that legendary colour. I could have been subconsciously imagining a little bauble or two from that famous emporium of all things fine or it could have been triggered by a recent viewing of Breakfast at Tiffany's. When I see turquoise I think Tiffany, when I think Tiffany I see sparkle and romance. The narrow cobblestone streets of Arles might not have quite the same cachet as the glamorous 5th Avenue in New York but both are equally alluring and beguiling in their individual ways. xv
image - me
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