{ costume of the day } ode to old faithful
this midnight blue blazer is highly favored in my wardrobe remix rotation ~ it just seems to work well with everything!
i found it at a yard sale in the hamptons last summer, as one half of a little boy's suddenly too-small suit. i explained to the mother selling the set that i wanted only the jacket (the pants being too short by too much), but was happy to pay the full $15 price she was asking for both pieces. she said no!
that's right, mommy dearest didn't want some big city fashion brat breaking up her kid's first communion memories. i was momentarily dumbstruck, but fought for my free trade rights! after some heated bartering, i finally offered $20 to take the jacket and leave the pants. she caved.
the next week, i shelled out another $30 for fancy new buttons. suddenly $15 for 2 pieces had become $50 for just one! and yet with all the wear i've gotten out of this staple, i've easily amortized 10 times that price. bad bargainer, i am not.
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