some things stay the same...
I am home after the most wonderful time in Corsica, I even survived the ferry trips and managed to sleep like a baby. Corsica is a beauty. Her magical coastline, lush vegetation and unspoilt terrain made me feel as if I were stepping back in time. Yes there are more populated areas where tourism thrives but there are also enclaves that are untouched by holidaymakers. Corsica is a place to explore, to drive around and discover her hidden charms.
One thing that I do love about the French is that whatever the geographical distance, latitude and longitude make no difference to the 'frenchness' of the place. Corsica might be separated by the sea and have her own unique history but she is still as French as anywhere I have been. The French way seems to prosper despite an island existence; life is more casual - the sea does that to you - but the habits that I have grown to love are the same in Corsica as they are on the mainland. Breakfast, lunch - especially lunch - and dinner are celebrated with that joie de vivre we have all come to associate with the French.
So while I felt as if I had discovered somewhere new in Corsica, I also felt completely at home. xv
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image - vicki archer
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