Streetstyle: Pierre

Pierre (17), Student
T-Shirt by Armani
Leather Jacket by April 77
Vintage Floral Print Leggings, Shoes & Hat
Bag by Longchamp
Selfmade Bow

I went to Basel yesterday to visit the Art Basel, one of the world's most important art shows, featuring nearly 300 leading galleries from all over the world. But I didn't just go because of the art. I thought, it certainly must be a good opportunity to find fashionable people in Switzerland for my blog. But when I arrived, I was a bit disappointed not seeing as many as I hoped to. Maybe because I got there quite late. Maybe my expectations were too high. I already wanted to leave and head home to Zurich when I saw him walking towards. He immediately caught my attention. I knew I had to get his picture taken. His style is quite different to what I'm usually looking for. Also different to my own style. But I like it. Sometimes someone's outfit just hits you unexpectedly. After all, fashion is about individuality, isn't it? Just think about how different the last fashion show of Alber Elbaz was in comparison to Alexander McQueen's! I would have never expected to see someone like him in good old Switzerland. What a surprise. He wasn't Swiss though. French.

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