tearing the pages....

Do you keep all the back issues of your decorating magazines?
I do, well at least I always have until now...I think I am going to brave my conventions and toss many of them. On the one hand I feel disloyal but on the other hand I suspect there will be a massive sense of liberation. I am nervous that I am not only throwing out a myriad of brilliance and cleverness but that also I am chiselling away at my past. Habits die hard here. I am a magazine person, I subscribe to many and I love nothing more than flicking through the pages and toting up ideas for the future. They entertain me, they can calm me and they can equally whip me up into a frenzy.

To put you in the printed picture I have every decorating magazine that I have ever bought and I have been reading a long time. They live in every room...on the table, by the table, as the table. They not only contain the 'philosophy' of interiors but they make up my interior. But enough is enough, I need to apply some tough love or these pages of colour and style will become the 'triffids' of my life.

What prompted this fallout? This past long weekend I have been page turning and page turning with one of the DD's in her quest for decorating ideas. She is renovating her first flat and suddenly Vogue, Tatler and Vanity Fair have been given the slip in favour of Elle Decor, Masion Francaise and Home Beautiful. Apart from the fact that this was a psychologically and emotionally big moment for me....this must mean she really is a grown up....I realised that many of these 'vintage' magazines that I have been guarding with my life were of little interest to either of us. As we ripped through them at rapid speed, keeping those pages that appealed, the pile of tear sheets were minuscule next to the tomes of magazines. Times change, tastes change.

The moral of this story...
From now on I am going to tear out the pages in the current issues that resonate, I will keep the beauty that rings my bells and I will discard the rest. I will free myself from the tyranny of cluttered surfaces that my overblown magazine collection has caused and I will start afresh....except for my two very favourites, The World of Interiors and Cote Sud....I'm not ready to tear and share those yet.....xv

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image - vicki archer

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