Be enchanted....

At 32, rue du Vieux Sextier in Avignon you cannot help but be enchanted by Pascale Palun's studio, Vox Populi. It is the kind of atelier that you want to enter quickly, her treasures are the kind you want to pick up immediately and it is a place where I never want to go home empty handed. 

Pascale is an artist and an interior designer - each piece is unique and whimsical. 

Her lighting is eccentric - she creates both standard and hanging lamps; her circus and stage themed light fittings are heavenly. Imagine having a tiny replica of the big top, complete with performers, as a side light in the sitting room. A piece from this series is on my wish list...... 

Her chandeliers are designed and made by hand in the atelier but decorated with old glass and objects that she has sourced - each piece can be custom made to order. 

Vox Populi is pure fantasy and sheer whimsy.....and I love the idea of that, xv.

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