Enamel Enamored
Flamenco necklace. All photos from Calourette.
I know this is the second post on enameled jewelry I've done in the past week, but I do have an intense fascination with enameling. At my previous job, I designed plenty of enameled pieces, but after the drawings and the specs were sent out to China, they'd come back complete, and I would still be in awe of how it all happened. Why? Because painting tiny details on a curved or uneven surface with tacky, gloppy, paint is a huge pain in the ass. On occasion, we'd have to fake enamel samples for trade shows using colored epoxy or other assorted paint and nail polish combinations, and it really gave me a new respect for the craftsmanship of the people who produce these things.
Calourette is a costume jewelry line based in France that caught my eye because they specialize in intricate enamel. Many of their painted pieces have an almost 3-D textural quality and lusciousness that's quite difficult to achieve. That, combined with the creepy-cute aesthetic that I always adore, and you have jewelry perfection. My favorites are a dismembered hand pendant with polished nails, a tiny brown slug making its way across a ring, and of course, the wild variety of delicious-looking donut charms that tickle my sweet tooth. Calourette is now available at Urban Outfitters as part of their new jewelry showcase.
Escargot ring
Patte de lapin ring
Bateau necklace
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