hidden in paris...

Friday afternoon almost qualifies as the weekend doesn't it? I thought so too....The temperatures are blazing in my corner of Provence so swimming and reading are the first ideas that come to mind for the weekend. I have just started Corine Gantz's Hidden in Paris and I can tell already that this is the perfect read for this weekend. The book is set in my favourite city in the world...every street name brings a little smile to my face...and the storyline is one of those that we girls just can't put down...

'In a tale of friendship, self-discovery and love, three women running away from their lives become unlikely friends in a beautiful house in the heart of Paris...'

Corine writes the highly entertaining blog, Hidden in France where she uses her particular brand of humour to meditate on relationships, food, decor and all things French....

To buy Hidden in Paris click here...

my daily click HERE

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