Home Stories Preview
As a long time follower of The Selby, I have always loved the idea of having a look inside other people's homes. It is so interesting to see how different people decorate their homes and to get to know the stories behind certain furnitures or objects. There are many people in Switzerland, who also have very nice decorated homes and this is why I decided to start asking them whether I could capture it all on photographs. I was very glad to hear that some agreed and so began my new project. I have photographed three homes so far (all belonged to couples) and want to give you a little preview of what is coming next on my blog. I am showing only some detail shots for now because I don't want to give away too much yet and I am not quite sure when I am going to start publishing them here either. If you happen to know anyone in Switzerland, who might be interested in participating in such a project, let me know by writing me an email.
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