or hydrangeas as we know them are those types of blooms that you either love or you don't. I have come to search them out over the years as I have become more familiar with their varied colours, bloom size and petal shapes.
When I was growing up our garden was filled with blue hydrangeas, they grew prolifically in the shady areas and were the base for our house flowers at Christmas time. I can't say that I was ever a mad devotee of the blue hydrangea, that is not to say that I didn't like them or don't like them now, but I prefer the muted colours of the murkey greens, the tones of the warm burgundy-roses and the very spectacular whites, when you can find them.
Hydrangeas are not long lasting as cut flowers and require quite a deal of preparation before arranging. That is what I did yesterday....I couldn't resist those heavenly blooms (pictured above) and I wanted to make sure that they last as long as possible. The trick is to crush the outside casing of their wooden stems so that the water can penetrate and they can drink. Hydrangeas are tricky little things and unless they are well treated they become very sorry, sulky little creatures and wilt within minutes; even with long drinks and loving attention they are not the most enduring of flowers.
I have always been a flower 'junkie' and when I love a type of bloom then I love them despite their longevity; one day or ten days in the vase makes no difference to me....I must have them either way. xv
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