Le Bonbon....so sweet...so irresistible...

There is a little sweet something that I love about France......it is called the Carambar

A chewy, caramel tasting sweet that is totally delicious. Carambars are not soft and they are not hard, they fall somewhere in the middle with a smooth texture that can melt slowly in the mouth or can be gobbled up with a couple of greedy bites. They do come in other flavours - lemon, orange raspberry and strawberry - but as far as my taste buds are concerned they are not a patch on the original.

The Carambar is to France what the Fantale is to Australia or the Hershey Bar is to the United States. At the risk of inciting a heated debate, I think the carambar wins hands down. Along with the champagne, truffle and fois gras gastronomique feasts that France can offer in abundance, please don't forget to sample the delights of the humble Carambar.

I defy you to stop at one...I can't, xv.

image - carla

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