The Card Drawer...
I am a constant collector of cards - any type of cards - gift cards, post cards, birthday cards, museum cards, all and every type of card. I am always on the lookout for cards and when I find them I put them in a special drawer for that time when I need to say, thank you, congratulations or thinking of you. I have cards that I found more than ten, fifteen years ago that I haven't used yet...I must be saving them for that perfect occasion. The flip side of being a card collector is that I save every one ever given to me.
the rose shoe - i have never quite been able to part with this card bought in paris in 1995
The best kind of card to give and receive is the one for no reason and equally there is something so exciting about receiving mail and especially when it includes a pretty card. The mail delivery at our farm is always an occasion. The mail is hand delivered by a very cute 'mailman' in her bright yellow La Poste vehicle right to the front door. As she turns into the driveway she sounds her horn and toots all the way to the house to signal her arrival. Like many things in rural France the mail delivery involves a good deal of chat; there is no such thing as drop and run. It is an old fashioned and personal service; I love it.
If the mail includes a beautiful card then somehow the weight of bills, publicity and administrative letters is lifted. The mind whips past the tedium to concentrate on the thoughtfulness and generosity of the person behind the card. Last week I was the recipient of the most enchanting postcard from Judith and it most certainly brightened my day. It made me realize that the art of letter writing or card sending is vanishing; there is too much tapping on the keyboard and not enough pen to paper. I mean to make amends and I am going to start writing on and sending those cards that are languishing in my drawer....xv
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