the french diet...the dukan way...

Everybody's talking about (for some time now) the Pierre Dukan diet.

He is the diet guru in France responsible for many a major weight loss and the slim French bodies we admire so much. According to Dukan his formula is the new and improved version of the Atkins diet. The Dukan diet revolves around protein, lots and lots of it, but unlike the Atkins program it is lower in fat and with greater focus on vegetables in the later stages. Dukan considers that the high fat content in the Atkins diet was a serious shortcoming. Dukan's diet is tough, of that there is no doubt. Is it safe? I don't know... What I do know is that is widely criticised by other dieticians the world over, yet fiercely defended by Dukan and loved by many who have lost weight on it. It works something like this...

For the first five to ten days you eat only protein enriched foods, that is meat, fish, milk and eggs, no vegetables, salad or fruit at all....very testing stuff. Later in the program you can eat green vegetables, but only every other day until your goal weight is achieved...According to Dukan, following his plan means at least two months for the best results.

The problems with this diet, apart from the fact that it seems very unbalanced and extremely dull to me, is that it would make for an entirely unsociable life. I think it is a stay-at-home-alone-program. The simple pleasure of eating what we traditionally view as healthy would be removed.... What about blueberries and could I give those up?... I love my salads in the summer and my soups in the winter....I can't imagine my plate consisting of a sad and solo chicken breast or a lonely little sea bass....

This diet can work, four million French people have bought the book and I have seen the results on my French friends. Will they keep the weight off? I think that depends very much on how long they continue to follow the maintenance regime...Once the pounds have dropped off it is recommended that for one day a week protein-only is the plate of choice.

Will I try this diet? No, it's not for me, as much as I like to follow the latest and greatest...I am sticking to my own program, 'Eat like a French girl, exercise like an Aussie'...This works, maybe not as fast as Dukan's but it is really a very simple philosophy on diet and one that is achievable and easy to stick with. Exercise regularly with cardio and resistance work, control eating portions and eliminate packaged foods.... the best news....lots of fruit and vegetables.....

What are your thoughts on the Dukan diet? Has any one tried it? Any tips and tricks to tell? xv

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