the french market and hats... hats and more hats...

Each summer I find something that I 'can't live' without that is sold in the weekly markets. Last year it was a particular basket, the year before it was patterned quilts (they have become my tablecloth of choice) and this is hats. Panamas and straws are in every market in the greatest shapes. I have taken a liking to the cute style that covers low over the forehead and flips up jauntily at the back. 

My little routine, to justify my growing hat obsession, goes something like this ....I leave the house for the market and conveniently forget to take my hat which means I must buy another one to protect myself from the sun. Last year same routine...forgot the basket....and the collection expanded in no time. It was so much more difficult the year before to rationalise the growing number of quilts .......Besides, whenever has too many of anything been a valid excuse for not buying more.... Click HERE for the market days in Provence.

So this year, hats it is .........xv

image - me

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