EVA Online

Another quick post, since I'm completely exhausted after working Coterie today, and all I can think about is getting into bed so I can wake up bright and early for free breakfast tomorrow (all the free food at the shows is making me fat). Anywya, Zana was kind enough to share this coupon for 15% off of the newly launched EVA webshop. In case you aren't already familiar with it, EVA is one of the best stores in Manhattan, stocking hard-to-find designers, including a bunch of our friends: Telfar, Rodebjer, Stine Goya, Lerario Beatriz, and Bijules. Now, those of you who live outside of New York can finally shop the store too, and for the next two weeks, you can even enjoy a discount when you enter the code "EVANY" when you check out. I think I might use it to pick up a pair of Henrik Vibskov tights to keep me warm this winter.

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