Istanbul Impressions

It took me quite a while to get my films back from the lab and scan them in. All these pictures were taken with either my Leica M6 (black and white) or Contax T2 (colour). Looking at these pictures is a great way of remembering all the nice people I have met. I have already posted all the runway pictures from Istanbul Fashion Week 2010 in a previous blog entry and the following pictures now are some impressions away from the fashion tent.

The Turkish minister of foreign trade welcomed a small group of people to Istanbul.

Elsa of ELLE Belgium having a drink at the Vogue party.

Nesli of Styleseeking Zurich waiting on Istiklal Avenue.

Beautiful apartment building called Galatan Dogan.

Gizem who is an intern at ELLE Turkey and was kind of our helpdesk during our stay.

Adorable Seda from ELLE Turkey and Pelayo from katelovesme.

From second left to right: lovely Isin Gormus, Isik Simsek and Melis Agazat from ELLE Turkey.

Natalia and her brother Pelayo

Seda taking a picture of me with her lomo camera.

Elif and Irem, two sisters who spent my last day in Istanbul with me.

You can find some more impressions on my Visual Diary and the whole set of photographs is also on my Flickr.

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