postcards from paris....for you

Did you miss me? I missed you.

A week away without my computer (okay, I admit to one or two little strokes of the iPad) was very restorative. It is good to turn off and switch off from time to time...not for too long ….because that would make flicking the power back on almost impossible...

This summer has well and truly passed and now I must face up to grown up weather and real life responsibilities. Summer in Europe is like a punctuation mark - everything happens before or after. It is the big exclamation point, the giant question mark or the parentheses that hug the season and differentiate the year. Business deals are closed,  school and university exams taken, builders pushed and renovations completed, hair and beauty treatments concluded, even the gorgeous and glamorous must finish their shopping...before the summer.

Post summer and the European world bounces back. The financial gurus pick up the pace and school bags are packed with pencils sharpened. Moving, building or renovating is within reach before Christmas and the cosmetic industry promises improved miracles to combat the after effects of too much fun in the sun. The gorgeous and glamorous re-pound the pavements and the boutiques are fresh with winter merchandise and full price tags. It is time to harness my thoughts. I must try and write more, find pretty blog titbits for you to enjoy, think about the olives and the forthcoming harvest. I must forget the hazy days of summer and get back to business.

To start with, I have postcards to send once more...this time, vintage postcards of Paris. Comment, follow or subscribe to 'french essence' so that I know you are there...whatever works... and if you do already then you need do no more.... I will draw the winners next week....xv

vintage postcard of paris - vicki archer

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