Pulse Perfection!

Sorry for the lack of posts, but after this weekend things should finally reach a normal sanity level.

In other news....

About 2 months ago, the lovely people at Matchstick got in contact with me to do a collaboration, featuring Maybelline's newest mascara, Pulse Perfection.
Now, I get to share it with you guys!

This mascara has a pulsing wand, which at first weirded me out a little.
But as soon as I tried it, I found it to be quite a pleasant experience.
I got compliments immediately, and I also noticed that my non-existant eyelashes were somehow present on my face. Honestly, as a non-beauty junkie, I wouldn't rave about something that was crap, since I use products so few and far between...



This product is almost as well formulated as Great Lash, and I think it just might become a classic! One of you lucky readers will win a tube when I post the draw next week, along with several other goodies! :D

Click here to find out more about it....

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