what do coco chanel, marie antoinette, charles de gaulle and brigitte bardot have in common....
Absolutely nothing that I know of except that they were some of the characters that starred at a fancy dress party my children hosted.
The theme of the party was 'Famous, Fabulous and French' where each guest was invited to attend as a well known French character...political, theatrical, cartoon, model or fashion icon..... Marie Antoinette sat next to Charles de Gaulle...they got on quite well considering their age gap....Gerard Depardieu behaved impeccably as he chatted to Brigitte Bardot...after his latest airplane antics this was a huge relief....and Coco Chanel had great fun discussing her favourite books with Alexandre Dumas...Amelie Poulain did cast a few covetous looks Coco's way...her outfit was spectacular....
A bit of fuss and loads of preparation always makes for a good party so for the dinner my girls and I made elaborate place-cards out of coloured cardboard. The place-cards were over-sized and each piece of cardboard was red or blue in the French theme. We folded the cardboard in half so that the place cards could stand, and on one side we stuck a photograph of a French character. To liven them up a little we added some cartoon cut-outs and relevant captions. The place cards were easy to make once we sourced and printed all the images...all it took was a little imagination, scissors and glue....
I often think that planning a party...deciding on the where and the how.... devising the theme and creating the mood... is the best part....xv
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image - carla coulson
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