{ costume of the day } urban safari

now i know what you're thinking ~ it seems i've forsaken my commitment to color already, no?

not so! it's just that every indulgence is better enjoyed within the framework of a calming palette cleanser. lest we all go batty with copious crayola costumery, here's a soothing safari suite ~ inspired in part by one of my favorite films (and books), out of africa:

there's a good reason why the safari look ~ light colors and loose dhoti pants ~ comes back in style every summer: it works when it's damn hot out!

i've been trying to keep indoors and out of the heat as much as i can, which has given me time to restock the glamporium. have a little look, i'll be adding things all week ~ like today's aptly named out of africa necklace, whose horns i sawed and polished myself!

sunnies, necklace, and rings from the glamporium, earrings from india, yigal azrouel top, 12by12 pants, vintage john romaine bag, christian louboutin shoes

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