Be Treated , Be Tempted and Be Tormented...

by Jacques Grange.....That is what I am going to do this afternoon. This luscious interiors book is filled with ideas, from the grandiose to the small. Pouring over these lavish interiors is just about my favourite thing to do with a spare moment. I like to look at every image and note the furniture placement, the fabrics and their textures, the art and the objects; I like to analyze each and every detail and find ideas that might work for me.

The French edition with the green cover by Daniel Buren (remember he is the guy responsible for the fabulous black and while striped instillation at the Palais Royale in Paris) is to me far more dramatic and seductive than the English edition pictured above. The bedroom is bold for sure, with that ferocious feline companion to glam it up, but the eclectic and wacky nature of Buren's console will tempt me every time. This 270 page treat is all about the photographs rather than the words so choose the French edition if you can and feast on those green and white stripes. xv

by Pierre Passebon
Editions du Regard

book covers - google images

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