How Sweet It Is To Be Loved By You.

These are more shots from my birthday week.
Tim got me the best presents, two of which were a Hello Kitty Balloon (I can re-inflate it, so I'm keeping it forever) and delicious caramel apples from Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.
Hello Kitty is my all time favorite cartoon character, I nearly died of happiness when I walked into my room and saw a giant Hello Kitty!
The caramel apples were beyond amazing, I recommend them to everyone who gets a chance.
I am so lucky to have such a wonderful man in my life, I think he's a keeper!
The blouse I'm wearing is a birthday present from my best friend Kate.
The collar is amazing, I'm going to try and get better detail shots the next time I wear it!

Gifted blouse, Hello Kitty Balloon.
Thrifted skirt, belt.
Bluenotes jacket. H&M heels.

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