Oh, The Sweetest Thing.
This outfit epitomizes just how girly I feel 95% of the time. I got the dress as a present for my birthday and when I put it on, I was surprised at how much I liked it since the color was one I wouldn’t pick personally. It’s fun to let other people choose sometimes, I guess. Oh, and I made the lovely bat necklace I’m wearing! You’ll be able to purchase them soon at whistle. Same goes for the headband, I suppose.
American Eagle cardigan and dress. Thrifted heels, leather jacket. American Apparel seamed tights. Gifted scarf (from England). Pocket Change necklace and headband.

American Eagle cardigan and dress. Thrifted heels, leather jacket. American Apparel seamed tights. Gifted scarf (from England). Pocket Change necklace and headband.
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