Ring a ring a rosy...
How gorgeous are these rings by Dana Blair? I liked them enough to buy the three! The great thing is you can wear them all together or just one at a time and they are at a price that won't break the bank - unlike most other fabulous fashion that I covet.
The thing is I am married to Mr Frequent Flyer and that has advantages and disadvantages. The most obvious disadvantage is that he is away far too much but the advantage with this is he earns millions of air miles and I get to use them. If I had a choice I would much rather have him than the air miles but as they say in France c'est la vie, well c'est ma vie at least. Mr FF is very generous and is only too happy for me to use them wherever and whenever I can - his idea of hell is another airport, airplane or hotel room. On the other hand my idea of heaven is a little trip somewhere and I don't even mind bad airports, security lines and jet lag. Call me crazy, but I just love traveling.
So thanks to Mr FF points and British Airways I was able to take a long weekend in New York and meet up with my pals in the city.
There is nothing like a girl's weekend, is there? We ate, we drank, we laughed and we shopped - well actually we pounded the pavements looking more than shopping. Everything seemed pretty expensive and whatever exchange rate we tried, the numbers still came out high, and trust me we tried - euro, dollar and pound. Maybe we weren't looking in the right places or were a little late to take advantage of the sales in the department stores but either way good fashion is a major financial commitment these days. Credit crunch, recession and all, it appeared that not too many were signing up.
That is why I loved finding this store called Edge at 65 Bleeker Street that was full of young and relatively unknown jewellery designers. I chose the Dana Blair rings but there were also necklaces, bracelets and earrings, plus a little vintage fashion, to coo over as well.
Wandering around New York I find I can always get a sense of what is up and coming fashion wise. We walked for two days and covered much of the Upper East Side, Midtown, Soho, the Meatpacking District and the West Village and I figure all I need right now is something pink (ballerina pink or hot pink), some J. Brand jeans (skinny or boyfriend) and massive amounts of bangles jingling up and down my wrists.
Oh, and my new rings, xv.
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