The King of black and white, of ruffles and bows, of tweed and lace...

Enjoy the show 
thank you content coutorture for the images

and at the same time I want to say

actually a huge thank you is in order to CynthiaClaudia and La Mom for so generously giving French Essence (and that means me) a 'fabulous' award. Their blogs are a joy to visit and never cease to inspire - Cynthia is so clever with her written word from Puerto Rico, Claudia never sits still and takes us with her as she travels the world and La Mom has the best sense of humour as she writes about life in Paris. At the same time as thanking these fabulous girls for thinking of me, it is my job to think of ten other 'fabulous' bloggers and pass along this award...

These are the bloggers - some of whom I know and others that I would like to get to know,

For The Love of a House

Congratulations - your blogs are fabulous, xv.

PS - you know the drill.....
link me and then link the ten blogs you choose and post the award

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