The Window Shopper...Noir et Blanc

I don't know what the words noir and blanc have to do with this little shop because it is probably one of the most colourful boutiques in the village of St Remy de Provence...

Noir et Blanc is best described as a card shop or rather a gift shop, because if like me you are a lover of cards then you consider them gifts as I do. There are cards for any and all occassions - to write on, to send, to keep or to frame. Apart from the blank cards there are selections of notepapers, sketch books and party invitations.

It is a crowded little shop and apart from the cards it overflows with the kind of merchandise that children adore. Baskets on the floor and on the shelves heave with tactile goodies - miniature toys, fancy erasers, decorative pens and pencils, plastic figurines...anything and everything that children can't resist. It is the kind of shop to take a niece or a nephew, a grandchild or a godchild; a little visit here and any child would be forever under your spell. xv

Noir et Blanc
30 rue Carnot
13210 St Remy de Provence
+33 4 90 92 55 21

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