thinking of provence and bistro decouverte....

In St Remy de Provence the Bistro Decouverte is a favourite restaurant of mine. It is not fancy nor is it serious but it is constantly good. The food is 'brasserie' style and as home cooked as food that isn't home cooked can be. The menu changes daily to keep the regulars happy....The French are great lovers of a 'deal' so all restaurants have a set menu, a formule that includes one, two or even three courses for a fixed price. There are a multitude of options which can be confusing on first glance of the menu, but mostly it is repetition and just a question of how many courses you wish to have. 

Last week after all that chat about the fruit trees a lunch in town was just what was needed...the blackboard menu was enticing and I (talking does make you incredibly hungry...) started with the chestnut soup, le velouté de chataignes, foie gras poelé...resisting the foie gras (the quickest way to gain weight and increase heart palpitations.. as delicious as it can be) and followed with le supreme du volaille, risotto aux morilles ...scrumptious roasted chicken and creamy mushroom risotto (not exactly good for the waistline either...but.....). The lunch was as good as it sounds.

Bistro Decouverte
19, boulevarde Victor Hugo
13210 St Rémy de Provence
+33 4 90 92 34 49

image - vicki archer

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