A Roman Arles...

If Roman ruins and history are your thing then Arles is a town to love. One of the most remarkable things for me - a girl from the new world - is the wealth of antiquity in this area. Mr FF and I took a little promenade to Arles to see the exhibition entitled, Cesar, le Rhone pour memoire. This exhibition showcases discoveries made by archaeologists in the last twenty years from the river Rhone around Arles and the nearby Mediterranean town of Saintes Marie de la Mer. Nearly 700 objects are displayed at the museum but the most impressive of all is the life size bust of Caesar found by divers in 2008. It is said to be the oldest representation of Caesar and the one that is most lifelike. (He doesn't look too bad for such an old fella...)

Arles is a town that continues to surprise me ten years on and a town deserving of many visits....or at the very least a long on. xv

Musee Departmental Arles Antique

 image - me

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