i am a twit when it comes to a tweet....

Twit, tweet, twirp...sounds like... tic, tac,toe...
Yes, that would most definitely be me. I don't seem to have a grip on tweeting at all. I forget to tweet...that is my first problem...and then when I do think to tweet, I don't know what to tweet about. Tweeting, twittering....or is it...cheeping, peeping, chirping, trilling...this twit is a flop with a tweet.

I can tweet that I have a new post up....... a brilliant grasp of modern technology on my part....  a couple of words and a copy and paste... kind of like the fledgling level of tweets. It is time to grow up....I want to spread my wings, to leave the nest and tweet like a grown up. I want to master the one liner....I want those 140 characters to count...I want to amuse and entertain ....I want to warble not screech....

So here is the question or here are the questions .... Do you twitter?... Do you read other tweeters twitters?.....Do you even care if people are twittering and what they are tweeting about? ...If you were to follow me HERE on twitter.......What would you like to know? 
For once I am at a loss for words......xv 

image - faqs.org

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