Lights off at 9pm

How many magazines can a girl subscribe to? In my case the answer is too many - but how I love them. I justify the subscriptions with the excuse that it costs so much less than buying them from the store - really it is a crime not to, isn't it? Do I read them all? The answer is of course - no, I don't - not because I don't want to but because I would need to be the speediest reader on the planet to wade through the volume. So these are some of the images I have looked at in the last few nights - images that made me sigh, that made my heart skip a beat, that made me want to repaint, refurnish and re-curtain. I have eclectic taste that is for sure - one minute I am wanting a contemporary 'less is more interior' and the next minute I am salivating at the thought of panelled walls and ornate mouldings. But whatever - fickle is fun. 

orange mesh chair - dead cool

petal shaped chair - 'enchanted forest' like

this reminds me of grandma's parlour

so grand - love a family crest

a pavillion (with it's own lake) - i want one please

a long gallery - in case i track my ancestors

ornate carving and velvet - a winning combination

groovy light against traditional cornice

the very clever mix of two black and white fabrics

to recline on that chaise and watch the curtains billow

baccarat - always brilliant

so old fashioned and long baths are my thing right now

such a pretty table

the princess and the pea comes to mind

i am partial to this console

chinoiserie heaven

boy heaven

fit for nigella, jamie and gordon

simple and beautiful 

aubergine walls with oak furniture - love the brave

 this bathroom shouts luxury

panelling with contemporary 

because i just do

and the French magazines are stacked ready for my next few nights entertainment.

Images from The World of Interiors and English House and Garden 

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