Picasso not Pumpkins...

As the month rolls over and Halloween fades to becomes more about pumpkin soup than costumes and candy, I awoke this morning with the delicious knowledge that it was Sunday and this meant a day to myself. November is a busy time as the olive harvest will soon begin and there will be very few spare moments to venture out. One place I visit whenever I can is Cathedrale des Images in nearby Les Baux de Provence.

Cathedrale des Images is a used quarry which is home to a sound and vision spectacular. This year's show is entitled 'Picasso' and each wall in this enormous limestone cavern is covered with images from the artist's work, his personal photographs and selected film clips. The fifty or so projectors mounted in strategic places change shots every 30 seconds and the music score moves tempo as the massive photographs bounce all over the walls. 

The show runs continuously all day and you can stay for as long or as little time as you like. It is not the most famous of tourist attractions but I think one of the most memorable. 'Picasso' is one of their best, please don't miss this audi-visual extravaganza if you come to Provence, xv.

Cathedrale des Images
route Val d'Enfer, D27
Les Baux de Provence
+33 4 90 54 22 34

images- me

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