The Olive Harvest...

at Mas de Berard is over. It is a happy time watching the fruits of a year's hard labour fill the nets and it's a great time of camaraderie. The farm manager Gerard and I have a bond that we share. We talk every morning about the day's harvest, the quantities picked and we chat about what we can do to improve our yields next year and how we can increase our productivity. It is a passion we both share and a conversation that never exhausts us. This year has been a new adventure as we have officially started our journey towards an organic crop. It will take nearly four years to be certified within the European Union with many impromptu inspections and soil analyses during that time. We have taken a biologique approach to our farming methods for many years but unless the farm is registered and the treatment of the olives documented within these certain guidelines it is not possible to be accredited.

This year's harvest has been a good one. I am content with my olive trees and feel they deserve the long slumber and recuperation that they are about to embark on. Now that the olives are picked and the oil pressed I can relax a little, enjoy the quieter pace of farm life and start thinking about Christmas...xv

olives at mas de berard - carla

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