It has been a real pleasure....

getting to know you this year and I wish I could write my Christmas wishes to each of you personally but as I have left too much to the last minute I am afraid that just won't happen - not before Christmas anyway... I have loved every moment of my time blogging - even the days when I woke up and thought, 'What on earth will I talk about today?' or 'What shot could possibly enhance my rambling words?' I have become attached to my favourite blogs and can't wait for the updates and instalments that have become a part of my life. I begrudge my time spent on daily practicalities and unavoidable administration because they take me away from the blogosphere. In 2010 I want to read more, comment more and discover more in this wonderful world of blogs.

I would like to wish everyone a very happy Christmas and New Year. May Santa find you and shower you generously with all the goodies that you and your families deserve and may the New Year be one of superb health and profound happiness. Thank you for your emails, letters and comments; they are really what makes my world go round. I will be back in 2010 with more tales from France but for now I am joining my family in Australia, escaping the snow and the ice in Europe and hopefully basking in the Sydney sunshine.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays....See you next year, xv.

image taken from 'French Essence' - carla 

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