'french' santa stockings...

'Those who don't believe don't receive'. That is what I always said to my little children when they would pester me with proof that Santa was not real. It cut the argument dead and always saved me from a tough spot....that's the problem with a family of three, the oldest one always wises up before the other two. 

These days that old saying of mine has come back to haunt me. It goes something like this....I casually mention that perhaps this year I could forgo making up the Santa stockings and that a normal (and I promise them ...generous) array of presents under the Christmas tree would be just as much fun now that they are grown up. This time-saving idea of mine falls on very deaf ears. 'We love our Santa stockings.... that is the part of Christmas we look forward to most.....and your Santa stockings are the best....and besides.....don't you remember.....those who don't believe don't receive..... and we still believe'......Clever little things aren't they?... How can I argue with that logic?

A little artistic license on my part, now that many of our Christmases are spent in France, has meant that I have swapped their traditional stockings for market baskets. I decorate them, colour code them three ways so that 'Santa' doesn't get confused delivering them on Christmas Eve and fill them with fun goodies that I know they will love. This weekend, this 'Santa' is on the hunt for stocking fillers.....xv

image of 'santa' baskets - carla

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