The Perfect Weekend

I think I had the perfect weekend, for me, anyway - well that is except for missing the long walk in the Alpilles Mountains. The mistral wind raged over the weekend and so was definitely not the moment for walking (sorry no more blossom pics) but the time to travel by car or stay indoors. I did both.

For some time I have wanted to visit the saturday morning antique market in Villeneuve-les-Avignon, a medieval village with glorious views across the Rhone river towards the old city of Avignon. We set off ( that is the other reason for a perfect weekend, Mr Frequent Flyer is home from his travels, rested and ready for some Provencal adventures) early and as always hopeful of the fabulous finds and good bargains. I think to be fair the unrelenting mistral must have deterred many of the sellers because the market was pretty thin on the ground. It is held in the main car park as you enter the village and from what I have heard is usually very well attended. It was tough going and so, so cold, that after a few minutes we could barely feel our hands let alone move them. But in all my discomfort - never let it be said that I don't suffer for my search - I found an engraving in excellent condition and two beautifully embroidered sheets to add to a collection of old linens. 

The Fort Saint-Andre  built in the 13th and 14th Centuries sits above Villeneuve-les-Avignon and has commanding views of the Papal Palace. Inside these walls are the remnants of what was once one of the richest Abbeys in Provence, Abbaye Saint Andre, and the magnificent Italian style gardens. Happy with our finds we left the market and drove up the hill to the Fort, wandered amongst the ruins and explored the gardens - I think a better time to visit would be in May when the thousands of iris would be flowering and the parterre rose garden blooming, but nonetheless the graveled pathways, the stonework and the setting were gorgeous. 

The wind continued to hurtle through the Rhone Valley so Saturday evening meant a lazy dinner in front of the fire and another Audrey Hepburn movie fix. I seem to be having a run of watching old movies, but I never tire of the fabulous locations, interior sets and fashion - Paris When it Sizzles is a winner on all three counts. Audrey Hepburn is divine, William Holden hunky in an old Hollywood kind of way, his apartment drop dead gorgeous and Paris... well Paris is always Paris. 

Sunday morning  and more high winds, what else to do but visit another local market - this time in the village of Fontvielle, on the other side of the Alpilles. This market day did not only include 'antiques' but was a market to celebrate horses. There were many ponies for sale and all the kit that goes with that - saddles, crops, hats and boots. I am no horse expert but I loved seeing all these people who shared a common love talking the talk and examining the horses. This couple below stopped traffic with their arrival by horse and buggy.

I was very lucky in Fontvielle. 
I found an embroidered square pillowcase, an old button collection (I have no idea what I will do with these but I thought they were too sweet to pass up - maybe even frame each cardboard individually and hang them as a small collection) some old fashioned champagne glasses and a decanter which I will fill with lavender scented bath oil. And my best find - a small art deco mirrored tray that I can arrange my perfumes on in the bedroom. My little treasures weren't expensive nor are they important pieces but they work for me.  

Mr FF came home with a book entitled, Hommes et Requins, (which translates as Men and Sharks) as he found this fascinating (there is always something for everyone!) especially after the recent shark attacks in Sydney. This is a big topic of conversation in our household because he is a very keen surfer and of course doesn't like the idea of his beloved beaches becoming a place of danger. 

Sunday wouldn't be Sunday without lunch and ours was just right - with friends in the neighbouring village of Saint Etienne du Gres. It was deliciously long, because Sunday lunches by definition must be long, leisurely because with time spent we could not help but relax. We enjoyed great company because more often than not people who make Provence their home prove to be kindred spirits and the food - too scrumptious for words - because my pal is a superb cook. 

So you may have guessed that my perfect weekend involves time spent with Mr FF, an antique market and the search for any old collectibles, some sightseeing with a bit of medieval history thrown in for good measure, a movie or two and some fantastic food and charming company. Nothing better, xv

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