Crochet City

It is officially winter now, and therefore it is officially the season to start knitting again (at least in my mind, knitting is a seasonal activity). I've already started making myself a new cardigan, as well as gradually accumulating bits of knit inspiration from across the internet. By far the most inspiring find of late is the work of crochet artist Agata Olek. I've been wondering for some time who was responsible for the completely yarn covered bike that has been parked outside of the Acne store on Greene St. for the past few months, and I recently discovered that it is just one of many pieces by the prolific New York-based artist.

Olek crochets multicolored yarn encasements around everything within arms reach, ranging from cars, bathroom sinks, fully furnished rooms, and the people around her. She claims that she chose the medium because it enables her to create her work while watching movies, which is, in my opinion, a good enough reason to become an artist or designer (or any type of freelancer for that matter!). One of her most inspiring recent projects took place at the Brooklyn Museum of Art, where people were encouraged to bring their old clothes to be recycled and knit by Olek into a new wearable piece of art. If you don't know how to knit or crochet already, this certainly should be inspiration to learn how!


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