We Didn't Start the Fire

Peter Pilotto x Kipling backpack, Foley and Corinna dress, Acne motorcycle jacket, Alexander Wang shoes, scarf courtesy of Gina Tricot, Triskaidekaphobia ring.

Last night I had a busy evening that had me running all over town, starting with a visit to Charley 5.0 to view their spring collection, a pitstop at Creatures of Comfort for their book release party, and finally ending the night at my friend Allegra's gallery for a dinner party for artist Brian Montuori. The dinner started with a bang when my place setting caught on fire, which could have been a disaster if it hadn't been put out so quickly. I swear I was nowhere near it when it went up in flames, so I have no idea what happened, but the resulting mess of melted plastic plate and smoky fumes actually matched the macabre exhibition quite well.

The show, titled "Cold Sweat" depicts an alternative reality where humanity is absent, and the remnants of nature slowly reveal themselves to be part of a greater machine. We had dinner surrounded by paintings of exploding coyotes, and my companions regaled me with appropriate nature-fright stories, which were just as unappetizing as they were fascinating. For example, apparently there's a video of hundreds of displaced rats swimming in unison through the flooded streets of Bushwick following the recent tornado. The image, which sounds like something out of a horror movie, was described as being quite beautiful, and sadly, I haven't been able to find the footage online, as much as a try to Google search "rats swimming in Bushwick." Please let me know if you find it!

I took out my new Peter Pilotto x Kipling backpack, which fits everything, including my super-heavy camera. After shopping around different sites for the past month, I ended up ordering it from the Kipling website, since they're offering 20% off with the discount code, "WELCOMEKIP"

My home attempt at the half-moon manicure. Triskaidekaphobia buckle ring.

My scorched table setting, which actually matched the artwork in the gallery pretty well.

My dinner companions for the evening.

Brian Montuori's installation


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