rooms for love

i've said it before, but the winter has a tangible effect on my nesting urge. while i am *relatively* less inclined to focus on dressing (and shopping for) myself, i can't stop thinking about ways to spruce up my home, making it a more fantastic cave in which to hibernate.

although i usually gravitate towards moody, opium den-like spaces ~ enveloping and mysterious. . .

(above via mrs. blandings)

. . .i also LIVE for cacophonous prints that shouldn't match, but do. . .

(i'm not sure where this room came from, but i want it.)

this red room is pretty much perfect (though i would've added a touch of lucite and a few mirrors to mod things up). i love the mix of paintings + prints, hung low on the wall, barely grazing the top of the couch; it manages to make the space feel more intimate and the ceilings seem higher at the same time.

if i lived in that room, i would dress like this:

(above, vogue: february 2009)

and my closet would look like this:

(above via the selby)

as it is, i'm working on my own mini gallery wall: an assortment of paintings from friends, vintage perfume ads and fashion illustrations:

i'm also collecting antique glass bottles. . .

. . .picked up at thrift shops around the city. . .

. . .which i plan to fill with fresh anemones, inspired by sarah ryhanen of saipua:

because of their bold but delicate beauty, anemones are my absolute favorite flower. that they bravely thrive from november to april (the coldest months of the year!) only makes them more dear, and an elegant reminder that winter can sometimes be the prettiest
season of all.

(above, styled by the glamourai)

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