As The Water Fills My Mouth, It Couldn't Wash The Echoes Out.

Florence+the Machine has been a constant inspiration of mine since I first listened to her CD last year. I'd never heard a sound like hers, and the songs have a tranformative power that I'm yet to feel from other artists. Original, ethereal and armed with wicked style (not to mention the best shade of red hair!), she was just as captivating when we saw her live! I managed to get the front and dead center of the stage. Oh, did I mention she held my hand and sang to me during Kiss With A Fist? I nearly died, I was on cloud nine! Sorry if this is coming out as a mushy love letter, she just has that kind of effect. The best part of the show? She has the most effevescent personality! So bubbly and clearly loves what she does. You can't deny that she is going places, so keep a look out for her!

Thrifted lace tee, tulle skirt, socks, fascinator.
Old Navy wedges. Bluenotes military jacket.

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