French Interiors, The Art of Elegance

is my read for this weekend.
Christiane de Nicolay-Mazery's, opening lines are sentiments that I share,
"I have a passion for houses. I love the people who live in them and who devote themselves to them. I love the fact that all these people in their own ways have created works of art. I love the way they make their dreams come true, however challenging or ambitious they may be, devoting themselves to them with lavish attention, painstaking care and unstinting toil."
I can't wait to delve into her words and study the photographs taken by Christina Vervitsioti -Missoffe. With chapters such as A House in the Snow, A Romantic Dinner in Paris and The Land of the Fairies to entertain me, I think my weekend is starting to shape up well. I like to savour books and set them aside to enjoy when time is less pressing; I do the same with magazines and always have a stack of the latest to browse through on the weekend. I don't know if this 'saving up' of books and magazines is a 'leaving the best to last' mentality or a habit that provides a sense of security.
Whatever it is, French Interiors is the perfect one for this weekend and I am impatient to start turning the pages, xv.
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