Double Shoulder Pads
For the past month, I've been having a serious early-70's moment, wanting to wear long flowing Gunne Sax gowns and dress like an extra in The Virgin Suicides. Still, I'm trying to curb my enthusiasm before I become a back-to-the-land freak-folk loving hippie, and decided that the 80's, a far more brash and garish era, deserve a little bit of love and attention too (at least once in a while). What could be more over-the-top and excessively 80's than some vintage Versace? And when wearing Versace, more is more, which means that I left the house wearing not one, but two separate sets of shoulder pads--one pair in my jacket, and the other pair in my studded dress. I found it to be an appropriate outfit for finally meeting fabulously outsized personalities Katja (a.k.a Ms. Glam Canyon) and Zana (a.k.a. Ms. Garbage Dress) at Webster Hall last night. If all goes as plans, I hopefully will be the owner of yet another set of shoulder pads, but a more modern variation--I'm set on purchasing one of Zana's famed wing-harnesses. Now I just have to decide what color...
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