Milk Made

Sorry for the lack of posting, I blame it on the untimely demise of my beloved Mac, which is on its last leg. Luckily my brother will be giving me his old MacBook he's heading to Harvard Business School in August, and henceforth converting into a PC person. Until then, I'm stuck working on Jimmy's computer, with a miserable Swedish keyboard that makes punctuating a sentence about ten times more difficult (so please forgive me if I completely throw all grammatical rules out the window, and excuse the accidental appearance of ö, ä, and å).

Anyway, I've been meaning to write about the latest label to be picked up by W29 Showroom, FIN, an organic and sustainable label based out of Norway. While FIN uses traditional organic cotton and bamboo fabrics, they also have recently introduced the use of Milk fabric, which is made out of the surplus of milk proteins, which are not intended for food. While I have no idea how milk is magically transmogrified into a luxury textile, I do know that the result is lush and somewhat silky. The clothes are also similarly sumptuous, with soft, drapey cuts in a neutral palette, perfect for lounging around on a summer day.

FIN's progressive use of organic materials is currently being celebrated at the Why Design Now exhibition at New York's Cooper Hewitt Museum, which opens today through January 2011.


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